my year 2010 in pictures
I want to wish you Happy New Year 2011 to all of you
puss puss
This is the perfect moment to talk about old Year 2010 . What it brought to me etc. It was special year in my life ( month by month description):
On January I had ocassion to be special guest in the program From pop to opera star program that we make live for UK TV. Martin thank you so much for this possibility.
I was as well in BBC studio and it was first ocassion to my parents to see how this all Tv programs making looking from inside.
First time I had ocassion to be in Ice Bar and it was great experience for me.
On February my close friend Popi with her friend were here so we had ocassion to spend some time together.I was part of Fashion week that I celebrate in one really nice London's club.And i had ocassion to get some staff from Sonia Rykiel collection for H&M.
On March I had ahonour to take part in Fashion Elle Party with catlwalk in Harvey Nichols. I was in Poland where I had great time with my family and friends. I went to Stockholm ( love this city) it was my first time being there during the winter and I had ocassion to see the Swedish version of Grease musical with amazing Marie Serneholt that I had ocassion to know closer backstage after the show. She is so lovely , open, warm and wonderfull person.BTW Marie good luck with Melodien Festivalen next year :-) I am sure you'll be the best.
On April my best high school friend was in London so we had ocassion to meet together and thanks for her I met her friend - awesome person Claudio. Together with friend we were in Thorpe Park.And I spent wonderfull time with my polsih friends Ag and Jacek that visited me in London.
On Mai I celebrate my best UK friend's b-day :-)I was in Fsahion GAP party :-)Togerher with my parents I was in Stockhom again.I had great ocassion to show them this pretty city.I got my Ray Ban glasses. I took part in recording touching program Race for life in O2 arena.
On June I spent great time with bowling with the girls. I support Italia team during World Cup Championschip. I went to Poland where I celebrate my b-day with my friends and where I took part in Wedding Day of my friend Lucja.
On Jule I made for ITV live program !Tunes festival where I had oacssion to meet some new people.My swdish friend Anna Engh became mum and she gave thos world her lovely daughter Zelda :-)I celebrate Laura's b-day :-)Where I met new great people like Kristina :-)
On August I watched great play where my friend Howy performanced :-) My best high school friend became a mum and world can see her son Sebastian :-)
And my best friend UNi friend hetting marry :-)
On September I was in touch with talented Alison Brady that she was intrested to have me as her model. I really love her work so it will be honour to work with her in the future.On October I spent amazing holiday in Sardegnia :-)Later thanks for invitation from Elle magazine I took part in Autumn Beauty Event .I was in Ping Pong with amzing Marie. I went to Bath :-) where I had ocassion to know closer this lovely town.
On Novemer together with my parents we visited Tower, backstage Shakespeare's Globe and we were together on Christmas Market in Hyde Park.I took party in hunger charity chalange TWin Peak Chalange. I met new friend Iza.
I had amzing Halloween party.
And finally on December I took part in East London Design Show, i decided to leave my daily job and in the end I went to Poland where I still I am :-)
It was really good year for me. I met so many great new people fromdifferent part of the world. I took part in gtreat TV recordings such a From Postar to Operastar,
! tunes Festival and many more. I took part in great fashion and design event. I made some great trips, I was many times in Poland, I was twice in amazing Stokholm, I was in Sardegnia. Hope that next Year will be full of new great trips as well. I had ocassion to meet personaly amazing, lovely Marie Serneholt face to face. My good friend Anna and Agnieszka became a mum and world can admire their cute children now.
My other friends getting marry and one of them is pregnant now. Hope that New Year will be special for me. This time I am not going to make any promisses and just wait what New Year 2011 will bring to me and my close.
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