Like I wrote one post earlier I had very busy weekend.Most of Sunday I spent on the set to video clip Kenneth Benson "For my wife". Almost everyone from the crew ( cause of the traffics) was late so we start to do all things little later than we should. On the beginning I spent almost two hours with amazing artist make up Erika Thomas and Helena Patel who made unbelievable colorful make up to all of us. During this time with director of this video clip Brian Skeet we made backstage video like some shorts interviews, back stage make up etc. During the shoots I had a lot of fun with all people from crew especially with Jamie with them I danced together near the kitchen :-)On this video clip I played one of the four girls who is dancing and flirting with person played by Kenneth.All video was made in lovely restaurant where inside was very, very romantic cave.
I have honoured to work with talented crew , two others amazing models ( Jamie and Jade), talented belly dancer, signer Kenneth Benson :-D ( he was all the time very nice to all of us), make up girls who all the time kept eye on our look and if we need they always made our make up perfect :-). Thank you all of you for this wonderful day :-)
Unfortunately I could use flesh of my camera so the pictures that I made have very bad quality but anyway I just want to share them with you.
Now I can't wait to see final effects of this :D
With lovely model Jamie Hawkins :-) beetwen the shoots
Jade in the action :-)
Jade resting between the shoots
With models Jamie and Jade between the shoots :-)
some small part of make up staff
With Jamie and our wonderful make up artist Erika after shoots
ooh! looks like so much fun :D
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take a peek at my Valentine's giveaway while you're at it!