niedziela, 11 grudnia 2011
lush - organic cosmetics
When my friend Moni visited me last time she told me and my siter about nice cosmetic company call Lush. All cosmetics from Lush are fresh handmade and they contains 99% natural organic ingredients ( sometimes they have to use preservatives but they are using only vegetarian ingredients). Lush is making effective products from fresh organic fruits and vegetables, the finnest essential oils and safe synthetics. They don't test their products on animals thanks for this are perfect for vegans and vegeterians :-)
I decided to buy for myself anticellulit green scrub. i used them twice and after my skin was very very nice and soft in touch :-)
When I'll buy another cosmetcs from Lush I promise to tell you about the results them on me too :-)
1 komentarz:
Thank you so much for every single comment they make me smile. I will try to visit your blog as soon as I can :-) If you like my blog just follow me, if I like yours I will do the same :-)
Dziękuję bardzo za każdy pojedyńczy komentarz. Odwiedzam Wasze blogi tak szybko jak mogę :-) Jesli spodoba się Tobie mój blog będzie mi miło jak go zaobserwujesz. Jeśli spodoba mi sie Twój z pewnością zrobię to samo :-)
Nice! :) Lush is awesome, isn't it. :) I bought a soap in Edinburgh (also at Lush) and it smells like candy! Wonderful. Next time we have to go there all together! :) puss puss