Make and hair made by Erika Thomas
picture made by Neil Cordell
location London
just small preview yesterday's photo shoots ( promise put more whjen they will be ready)
Hi there,
I was so busy this weekend. I slept only 6 hours diring this time so when I back yesterday after shoots home about 7 pm only thing that I wanted to do was go to sleep. I spent all Saturday ( from 11 am to 2 am ) working in the bar and yesterday from early morning hours to 5 pm I was in studio where together with wonderful people I made fashion photo shoots titled Red- Black-White. I had hounour again working with Erika Thomas ( she made my stunning hair and make up ), Neil Cordell ( photographer) and Mgada ( my sister, who was another model hired to this shoots). It was so great to work with my sister during so great shoots that we made.
wow świetne zdjęcia i co za makijaż ! ;)