Like I wrote before I am really crazy about the earings. I have quite nice collecton already but I am still trying to make them bigger. This time checking different interet sites I have found one handmade amazing pair of earings that I had to have in my collection so I bought them :-) Now I can share with you pic of them :-)
What do you think?
earings are designed by GepArt. You can buy and order her earings directly by interent auction site or write to her:-)
wersetka@gmail.com ( mail to jewelery GepArt)
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Thank you so much for every single comment they make me smile. I will try to visit your blog as soon as I can :-) If you like my blog just follow me, if I like yours I will do the same :-)
Dziękuję bardzo za każdy pojedyńczy komentarz. Odwiedzam Wasze blogi tak szybko jak mogę :-) Jesli spodoba się Tobie mój blog będzie mi miło jak go zaobserwujesz. Jeśli spodoba mi sie Twój z pewnością zrobię to samo :-)