On Friday evening my lovely mummy came to London :-) Cause was late we just went to visit local pub and were talking, talking and talking. Next day despite of bad weather we went to see Notting Hill area where most time we spent visiting local vintage stores and later we went to Camden. It'ss alovely area inside there you can awesome market when you can buy food from whole world.
On Sunday we went to our local old park ( Valentine's Park) where we just walked, talked and enjoyed the nature and animals :-) In the end of Sunday we went to Wanstead station where you can find lovely pub where some months ago owners kept two lovely cats inside. Unforthe owners deided to move to Brighton and cats with them :-(
I can't wait Thuersday cause my mum and dad will be here again together for one night before their holiday in Ireland.
Hope you had good weekend too.
Now I am preapring myself to go for signers and acting workshops :-)
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